Unbeknownst to us we are surrounded by toxins in the form of molds, mildew and unpleasantries and adding synthetic fragrances only adds to this. Using essential oils can actually help clear the air rather than simply mask odors as well as increase potency of natural cleaning products and boost moods.
Here are some of my top favorites which can be used alone in your favorite diffuser or mixed and matched for unique scents:

Vanilla – one of my absolute favorite scents and it is the very oil that got me into aromatherapy in the first place mainly because any synthetic version of this scent gives me a horrible headache; therapeutic oils are typically distilled or pressed from roots, leaves, stems, or in this case, beans; this oil can be added to just about every other oil or blend, it can be worn as perfume or added to a bath or moisturizer

Lavender – perfect for a soothing environment before sleep; put into a mister with water to create a linen spray or mix with lemon and peppermint for an invigorating twist during the day

Frankincense – used to create a calm environment perfect for meditating, reading or studying; this amazing oil is said to help with healthy cellular function and can be applied to skin to help with imperfections

Eucalyptus – can be used as a decorative plant in the bathroom which gives off its brilliant smell in the moist air; as an essential oil it has a distinct invigorating scent which improves the quality of airflow by eliminating toxicity and other irritants quickly and provides anti-inflammatory properties reducing swelling and inflammation in the body; put into a spray bottle with a clear alcohol and mix in some lemon and peppermint for a surface spray or mix with grapefruit for a lovely room scent

Orange – uplifting as an air freshener and great in water for overall wellness, this oil can be used as an all-purpose spray for surfaces; mix with peppermint and frankincense, inhale deeply and rub onto the back of the neck for a boost during stressful moments

Clove – purifies and cleanses the air, it is like cleaning without actually cleaning; this oil can be massaged into skin to relieve pain or can be added to water as a mouth wash to aid with toothaches or bad breath; clove is also a beautiful oil to add to orange for a holiday scent

Basil – this oil is known to help with ear infections and respiratory issues, helps with focus when diffused and can be added to food for taste while it helps protect against food borne illnesses with its antimicrobial properties

Cinnamon – works exceptionally well in eliminating airborne pollutants and purifying indoor air; this soothing scent calms the nerves and triggers holiday nostalgia in most people, it soothes achy muscles when mixed with orange creates an aromatic ambience

Chamomile – well known for its calming and soothing effects, this oil is a known anti-inflammatory and skin soother for irritations, eczema, canker sores, and more; often used as a tea this little flower has been used as medicine since dawn of time

Jasmine – this fragrance is sweet and refreshing ideal for soothing the mind with many sedative and antidepressant properties; considered a natural aphrodisiac in alternative medicine this oil is perfect for stressful moments, romantic evenings and sleepless nights

Lemon – commonly used for purifying stale indoor air and cleaning, this oils destroys air-borne pollutants and other toxic elements; it can be used as furniture polish when mixed with olive oil and can be used to shine a variety of tarnished metals; added to any number of essential oils lemon creates an uplifting aroma and added to water for a digestive booster

Peppermint – this oil is so flexible there are a number of uses for it; rub into sore muscles for aches and pains, a single drop to the thumb pressed to the hard palette can stop a persistent cough and added to lemon creates a mouth rinse; loaded with strong antiseptic properties, this oil can disinfect any surface by removing dirt and stains, is great at eliminating unpleasant smells and acts as an insect repellent; rubbing this oil to the temples can help soothe headaches and can be added to frankincense and orange for an invigorating room scent

Pine – Coniferous tree based oils like spruce, pine, and fir contain pinene which has strong antibacterial properties and with regular use can help fight chronic respiratory ailments by releasing pressure from your lungs; this oil can act as the first-line of defense against all airborne bacteria and toxins and with its earthy tones smells divine especially when used with a citrus oil in the diffuser and a drop of vanilla

Lime – the strongest oil against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, it can successfully destroy the majority of the air-borne toxins in a few minutes after application; lemon oil can help to remove grease spots and sticker residue but most of all it can add a burst of uplifting citrus

Lemongrass – a surprising and refreshing oil with built-in antibacterial and antifungal properties this oil is highly effective against a wide range of drug-resistant bacteria; the scent creates a relaxing spa like environment with an energizing fragrance and de-stressing properties

Nutmeg – when you feel low, stressed or worked up the spicy and strong aroma of this oil can help soothe and calm the senses and alleviate tension and anxiety; when used on a regular basis it can help to eliminate deadly airborne toxins due to its potent anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties

Tea Tree – another anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial oil which I personally don’t love the smell of but it is my go to for skin irregularities and nail issues; this oil is also very effective as a disinfectant and even a mouth wash

Ylang Ylang – the scent of this flower is subtle and soothing and is perfect for stressful situations and bouts of depression; add to Epsom salt for a calming bath or any number of oil blends for a floral touch and it can even be used as perfume (along with any of your favorite scents)
If you are curious and eager to find out how essential oils can be a great addition your life if not an alternative to products, you use every day then I welcome you to the team. Click on the image and become a member. While there are a large number of benefits to becoming a sales consultant including commissions there are so many benefits packed into each little bottle that just a Healthy Starter Kit can go a long way. Simply click on the link, then hit the “become a wholesale customer” link and follow the prompts.
Once your Healthy Starter Kit arrives and you have had a chance to explore how the products work for you then you might want to consider becoming an LRP monthly subscriber to qualify for the free oil of the month and/or get your vitamins delivered automatically, try out new oils, get exclusive discounts and offers as well as account credits to use towards shipping or sampling the full range of doTERRA products available. Most important is that with each membership comes a team with resources and helpful hints on how to make your home safer with cleaner, less toxic products.